Stem Cells: How to learn more about them

Stem Cells: How to learn more about them

What are stem cells?

There are 220 different cell types in the human body. Stem cells are unspecialized cells capable of renewing themselves through cell division. They can specialize into several types of cells once they have received a signal to do so. Researchers harvest stem cells from embryos. Why? Because in this early stage of development, the cells can differentiate into all cell types (skin, bone, hair, etc.) to form a fully developed being. These embryonic stem cells are known as pluripotent stem cells. There are also stem cells in the adult body, but these adult stem cells can’t specialize into all cell types. They are usually located within different organs in the body. Their job is to replace worn-out cells in a specific organ. These cells are called multipotent stem cells.

Stem cells are able to self-renew through mitotic division. What is mitosis? When a cell undergoes mitosis, it duplicates its DNA and separates into two new cells that have the same genetic code. They are two identical copies (or daughter cells) from one mother cell. These daughter cells can either remain as stem cells or differentiate into specialised cell types.

Why are stem cells important?

Because we can explain how an organism develops from a single cell through mitotic division as well as how damaged cells are replaced in adult organisms during healing processes. We can observe living stem cells under different conditions. That could lead to medical advancements in treating cancer, understanding degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s, or organ failures such as heart diseases.

One example of the widely used stem cell therapy is bone marrow transplantation. The bone marrow contains stem cells that differentiate into various blood cells and can treat leukaemia (cancer of blood cells) as well as other disorders of the blood.

In laboratories, scientists use stem cells to screen new drugs and develop model systems to study how the cell proliferation is regulated during normal embryonic development and to identify the causes of birth defects. Scientists also work on directing the differentiation of stem cells into specific cell types to treat diseases which require the replacement of cells and tissues in case of macular degeneration, burns or spinal cord injury.

How can we observe stem cells?

Stem cells are a very sensitive and delicate type of cells. It has always been a challenge to observe them. Traditional methods based on fluorescence tend to kill the cells. But with the new technology called holotomography and the recently developed 3D Cell Explorer microscope, we can image living stem cells in a totally non-invasive way by analysing physical properties of the cell’s organelles (i.e. their specific Refractive Index) in 3D.

Studying mitosis (cell division) in mouse embryonic stem cells

With the 3D Cell Explorer microscope, we recorded a time lapse of rapidly dividing mouse embryonic stem cells which we sped-up:

By analysing frames from this data we will first identify the different phases of mitosis and determine how long each phase lasts. Then, we will observe the variation in the 3D structure of the cell during cell division.

Phases of Mitosis

Mitosis is a continuous process but can be divided into five distinct phases: interphase, prophase metaphase, anaphase, and telophase.

  1. During interphase, the DNA in the cell is copied in the nucleus in preparation for cell division, which results in two identical full sets of chromosomes. During this phase, the cells are flat, and the chromosomes are not visible because they are not condensed. In Frame 1, cell 3 is one of the many cells in the interphase.
  2. The cell is then ready to progress into prophase, which is characterised by the condensing of chromosomes into X-shaped structures formed by two sister chromatids containing identical genetic information. The chromosomes pair up so that both copies of chromosome 1 are together, both copies of chromosome 2 are together, and so on. During this phase, the cell adopts a spherical structure and the nuclear membrane dissolves while releasing the condensed chromosomes which are then easily distinguishable under the microscope. In Frame 1, you can see the chromosomes starting to condense and form the characteristic ‘x shape’ structure in cell 2.
Stem Cells undergoing mitosis - label-free live cell imaging

Frame 1: The left panel shows a grayscale image of the refractive index map acquired with the 3D Cell Explorer microscope. The top right panel is a ‘top view’ 3D render obtained from digital staining applied to the different refractive index values. The bottom right panel is the ‘side view’ 3D render viewed from another plane to observe the three-dimensional structure.

3. During metaphase, the chromosomes line up neatly end-to-end along the centre of the cell called the equator, and mitotic spindle fibres extend from the opposite poles of the cell towards the equator. Upon contact, the mitotic spindle fibres attach to each of the sister chromatids. This is clearly visible in Frame 2, where the chromosomes in cell 1 form an apparent line through the middle of the cell. Cell 2 is also adopting a more spherical form.

Stem cells undergoing mitosis - label-free live cell imaging

Frame 2

Stem Cell undergoing mitosis - label-free live cell imaging

Frame 3

4. The following phase is anaphase. It starts when the sister chromatids are pulled apart by the mitotic spindle to opposite poles while keeping one copy at each extremity of the cell and gathering a full set of chromosomes. Compared to the previous image, cell 1 in Frame 4 shows two lines of chromosomes instead of the one line going through the middle -this highlights the separation of the sister chromatids. In Frame 5, these chromatids are being pulled further apart and this process will continue until the next phase. Notice how cell 2 is now in metaphase identified by the alignment of chromosomes in the equator.

Stem Cells undergoing mitosis (anaphase) - label-free live cell imaging

Frame 4

Stem Cells undergoing mitosis - label-free live cell imaging

Frame 5

5. Once the two full sets of chromosomes are well apart, a membrane forms around each set to create two new nuclei during the telophase. The mother cell undergoes cytokinesis which is characterised by the pinching of the cell in the middle (Frame 6, cell 1) and separates to form two separate daughter cells each containing a full set of chromosomes (Frame 7, cell 1).

Stem Cells undergoing mitosis - label-free live cell imaging

Frame 6

Stem Cell undergoing mitosis - label-free live cell imaging

Frame 7

Duration of mitosis

The advantage of imaging living cells without perturbing them with chemicals is that we can make observations on their natural dynamics. For example, we can determine the duration of the different phases in mitosis in this line of mouse embryonic stem cells. The selected frames are 1min 30s apart and the time is indicated at the bottom right of each figure.

Anaphase (the separation of the chromatids) takes place in cell 1 between Figures 3 and 6, and therefore lasts approximately 3-4 min. Telophase is also quite quick and lasts approximately 1.5 min.

After performing such analysis for multiple cells at various time points, we concluded that the total duration of mitosis, excluding interphase, is approximately 30 min. The preparation steps during prophase (approx. 15 min) and metaphase (6 min) take longer than the division itself.

Cell height dynamics

The cell changes its shape from flat to spherical during mitosis. The change in height is apparent from the side view of cell 2 in the different frames as it advances through the phases of mitosis. This can be quantified by counting the slices which represent the depth of the signal in the refractive index map.


Cell 3 serves as a reference height for a cell in the interphase as it doesn’t change in any of the frames. In the animation above, we see that the height of this cell is 18 slices (from -14 to +4) in all frames. Knowing that the distance between two slices is 0.4 µm, we can determine the thickness of the cell in the interphase:18 * 0.4 µm = 7.2 µm.

As for cell 1, it is already in its spherical form during the metaphase in Frame 1, with a height of 34 slices (-14 to +20). And its daughter cells maintain that height after division (Frame 7). Hence, the thickness of a cell from the metaphase to the telophase is 34 * 0.4 µm = 13.6 µm, nearly twice the height of the cell in the interphase.

Cell 2 goes from prophase in Frame 1 to metaphase in Frame 7 with a change of the height from 21 to 34 slices which matches that of cell 1.

That’s it. Now we know more about stem cells as well as how to observe them. If you have a specific question ask Kulsum:

To try it yourself you can download a demo version of STEVE with the mESC mitosis data shown above:

Win a Free License for the Online Learning Space…by Writing Us a Postcard!

Win a Free License for the Online Learning Space…by Writing Us a Postcard! hopes that your summer is off to a great start! As a “School’s Out” special we have an opportunity you cannot miss: 

Win a free license…by writing us a postcard!

You can win a free license for our Online Learning Space by writing us the following:

  1. What inspired you to become a biology teacher?
  2. What techniques do you use to convey the concept that cells are 3D and alive when using microscopes?

The 5 most original and inspiring postcards win!

The Online Learning Space is an interactive platform offering detailed lessons plans for your biology classes in your high school. It offers interesting and creative learning resources for your school.

Students will have the opportunity to discover cheek cells, mitosis and many more cell types and interactions with real 3D cell data and 4D time-lapses. You can find out more here.

You have time to send us your postcard between now and August 20th!

Send the post card to:

Nanolive SA

Chemin de la Dent d’Oche 1a

1024 Ecublens


Specify your e-mail address so that we can contact you.

Enjoy your summer!

Onion root cells school experiment with the 3D Cell Explorer and software STEVE – a step-by-step guide

Onion root cells school experiment with the 3D Cell Explorer and software STEVE – a step-by-step guide invites students to discover the basic unit of life as it is, alive and in motion, and to live a true scientific experience. 

This demonstration will show you how we prepare a wet mount of onion root cells which will then be observed under the 3D Cell Explorer microscope. This data is then uploaded to the Learning Space where students can interact with it using the software STEVE – a 3D/4D Interactive Cell Viewer – to identify the cellular structures in an onion cell and distinguish the different stages of mitosis. is the ideal tool to inspire students to become the scientists of tomorrow!

1) Hands-on experiment

All data on the Learning Space are of real cell images taken with the 3D Cell Explorer microscope. The video demonstrates how we prepared an onion root-tip squash to observe different stages of mitosis.

2) Image visualization

The software STEVE has an integrated cloud platform where you can find all the cell data and worksheets. You can explore the raw cell data on the left and get an automatic 3D render of the cell on the right. The video shows how to log-in to the Learning Space and open the .vol file of onion mitosis in the Cell Database Cloud.

3) Digital staining

The 3D data is presented as a map of the refractive index of the different parts of the cell. With STEVE, students can easily add colours to highlight the different structures in the colours of their choice – creating their own beautiful cell images. In the video we show you how to add digital staining to highlight the chromosomes.

4) Exploration and understanding

The worksheets provided on the Learning Space guide the students through the exploration of the cells. The questions on the worksheets point the students in the right direction for them to understand dynamic cell processes. Here are a couple of examples:

  • Which stage of mitosis is this cell in?

Anaphase, the stage during which the chromatids move away from one another to opposite poles of the spindle.

  • How many chromosomes does an onion cell have?

You can see 16 chromosome tips in the 3D view, therefore there are 16/2 = 8 chromosomes in an onion cell. Remember that during anaphase, the chromatids are pulled from their center.

5) Problem solving

The worksheets on the Learning Space also include quantitative questions which require using STEVE to measure cell size and volume, then to proceed with unit conversion to understand and put in context the size of cells.

For example:

Considering that you cut off 1 cm of your initial root-tip, on average, how many onion cells are aligned in this 1 cm preparation?”

  • Choose 6 different onion cells and use the ruler tool in STEVE to measure their length.

Cell 1: 38.7 µm                   Cell 5: 30.2 µm
Cell 2: 40.7 µm                  Cell 6: 29.2 µm
Cell 3: 25.4 µm                  Cell 7: 36.9 µm
Cell 4: 37.3 µm                  Cell 8: 32.3 µm

  • Calculate the average value of the length of an onion cell.

(38.7 + 40.7 + 25.4 + 37.3 + 30.2 + 29.2 + 36.9 + 32.3) / 8 = 33.8 µm

  • Divide the length of the root tip by the average length of an onion cell to get the number of cells aligned in this root tip.

1 cm = 10000 µm
Length of root rip/Average length of onion cell = number of cells aligned in the root tip.
10000 µm / 33.8 µm
296 cells

Video Demonstration

Watch the complete demonstration as a video!

Amoeba enjoying bacteria: Bon Appétit!

Amoeba enjoying bacteria: Bon Appétit!


In this video you can observe Dictyostelium discoideum amoeba cells hunting for Escherichia coli bacteria. Cells are imaged in 3D with the 3D Cell Explorer microscope. In detail you can observe the exact process through which an amoeba cell “eats” a bacterium. Amoeba cells, as many other different cells eat through phagocytosis. Phagocytosis takes place by surrounding the target object with membrane extensions,  the resulting phagosome (the vesicle containing the bacteria), following merges with lysosomes containing digestive enzymes, forming a phagolysosome. The food particles will then be digested, and the released nutrients are diffused or transported into the cytosol for use in other metabolic processes.


Help us to identify all the different organelles in a live 3D cheek cell!

Help us to identify all the different organelles in a live 3D cheek cell!


Help us to identify all the different organelles in a live 3D cheek cell! 

Let’s have a look at this exciting video of a LIVE human cheek cell in 3D and identify all the different organelles.

The image has been acquired with a special new microscope – the 3D Cell Explorer – and is composed of 96 layers that show you the different planes of the cell. Scrolling through we can identify different organelles/ components from the inner core: the nucleus (a) to its cytoplasmic organelles: lysosomes (c) to the surrounding plasma membrane (b) and even the bacteria lying on the surface of the cell (d).

How many components could you identify?


Watch living cells in a self-build 3D hologram projector!

Watch living cells in a self-build 3D hologram projector!

Today we want to show you a very simple and yet very cool and impressive way to visualize our cell movies in a self-build hologram projector! This is a nice project to do with students during a biology lesson.

Scroll down for the full instructions.

HeLa cells rotating in 3D

Time-lapse of cell division

Following a few simple steps, we were able to turn our smartphones into 3D hologram projectors displaying all our results including as well the 3D video of our cells.

Here is the list of what you need for this project:

  • CD case
  • Graph paper
  • Pen
  • Glass cutter
  • Tape
  • Tablet or smartphone 


Afterwards, follow these steps:

Step 1

Using a pen and graph paper, make the following rhombus shape (dimensions are 2x7x12 cm) and cut it out with scissors.

step 1

Step 2

Trace the rhombus shape on the CD case. Using the glass cutter, carefully cut out the rhombus shape. Now use this first piece as a template to cut out three additional pieces.

step 2

Step 3

Connect the four pieces together with clear tape.

step 3

Step 4

Download STEVE with few sample cells included and realise your video. The final movie plays the same video from four different perspectives as they are reflected in the panels of your new device. This gives the 3D image projection out of the phone in the form of a hologram.

Step 5

Turn off the lights and place the projector screen on your smartphone and load up a hologram-specific video.

step 5


Within a few minutes, you will be able to create 3D images of your cells floating in the air.

Enjoy the videos!!